Immerse yourself in the transformative power of The HeART of InPowered Living Circle Series, a four-month journey consisting of seven bi-weekly two-hour sessions. Join CoCreators and Facilitators Nina Roberts Salveson and Michele Rae as we embark on a path to live authentically, in-powered, creatively, purposefully, and in alignment with our higher potential.
Southtown Office Building located at 8120 Penn Avenue South, in Bloomington, MN, 55431, Second Floor Conference Gathering Room
We will ground and open our hearts, clear and expand our consciousness as we delve deeply into the HeArt centered principles of InPowered living, exploring topics such as self-awareness, self-witnessing, self-acceptance, and self-mastery. Through heart-opening rituals, guided meditations, and engaging discussions, you will awaken your inner power and uncover the essence of your true divine essence.
The HeART of InPowered Living Circle is a collaborative sacred space where you can embrace your unique journey and connect with a supportive community of like-minded and open-hearted individuals.
The cost for this transformative 4-month- twice monthly (except December) series is $324, a priceless investment in your personal transformation that unlocks your unlimited potential for abundant, InPowered Living, in a supportive community with two expert evolutionary coaches and guides.
Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and authentic living. Reserve your place in The HeART of InPowered Living Circle Series today and step into a life filled with purpose, empowerment, and joy.
Limited spaces are available, so secure your spot now and join us in this extraordinary Circle community gathering.